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Practice by students - regulations

Undertaking acts of veterinary surgery are an important part of a student vet's clinical training. Therefore, the acts that they are permitted to undertake are set out in the 'Veterinary Surgeons (Practice by Students) (Amendment) Regulations 1993'.

A female veterinary surgeon student carrying out a procedure on a cat held by her colleague

The regulations state that students may:
  • examine animals and carry out diagnostic tests under the direction of a registered veterinary surgeon,
  • administer treatment under the supervision of a registered veterinary surgeon, and
  • perform surgical operations under the direct and continuous supervision of a registered veterinary surgeon.
We have interpreted these as follows:
  • 'Direction' means that the veterinary surgeon instructs the student on the tests to be administered but is not necessarily present.
  • 'Supervision' means that the veterinary surgeon is present on the premises and able to respond to a request for assistance if needed.
  • 'Direct and continuous supervision' means that the veterinary surgeon is present and giving the student his/her undivided attention.

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