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Health and safety on EMS placements

Schools, students and providers have a shared responsibility to ensure EMS placements are conducted as safely as possible. This page provides links to the latest health and safety guidance, as well as to insurance requirements.   

A well stocked veterinary practice room showing a range of medical equipment

On this page:

Health and safety

At the start of an EMS placement, providers should clearly communicate their health and safety policies to students. Students are expected to adhere to these policies throughout their placement.

Schools also have a legal obligation to safeguard student safety on work placements. These health and safety guidelines are representative of those given to students by their school.


We recommend that students have British Veterinary Association (BVA) student membership. This automatically provides them with free personal accident and personal liability insurance.

Further details about BVA student insurance can be found on the BVA website.

Professional liability insurance

All veterinary surgeons must have professional indemnity insurance, or the equivalent. This is laid out in the RCVS Code of Conduct. This cover may be held individually or through an employer.

The student insurance policy does not include professional liability. However, students should be covered by the placement provider’s own insurance.

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