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Mr Richard Saunders

BVSc BSc CertZooMed DZooMed(Mammalian) FRCVS
Richard Saunders
  • Location: Choose a County
  • Year of Fellowship: 2024
  • Route to Fellowship: Meritorious Contributions to Clinical practice

Field of work

Charities and trusts

Areas of special interest

  • rabbit and other exotic pet medicine
  • Zoo animal medicine
  • Wild animal medicine

Areas of support

  • Collaborative research
  • Promoting knowledge and best practice
  • Public engagement

Professional positions

  • Veterinary Adviser, Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund


  • CEVA “Chris Laurence” vet of the year award, 2018


Richard graduated from the University of Liverpool in 1994, also obtaining an intercalated degree in Zoology. He worked in general small animal practice for 2 years before joining the RSPCA at Norfolk Wildlife Hospital, working with British wildlife. After that, he worked in increasingly exotic animal practice, obtaining his CertZooMed in 2001, and his DZooMed (Mammalian) in 2010. He obtained his ECZM (ZHM) Specialist status in 2018. He joined Bristol Zoological Gardens as a resident in 2008, and Staff Vet in 2011. He consults in both first opinion and private referral practice in and around Bristol and taught at the University of Bristol. He is the RWAF Veterinary Adviser, writing for their member magazine “Rabbiting On” and advising practice clients on all things rabbit. He is the author of several chapters and other texts on rabbits, rodents and other exotic animals.

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