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Where should we log our VetGDP?
Both graduates and VetGDP Advisers should log into the VetGDP through the desktop 1CPD link, which you will find in the top right hand corner of the RCVS website. The button for the VetGDP can be found on the top bar.
If you’re a graduate, you can record your reflections, feedback and progress against the different activities you and your VetGDP Adviser have identified as being part of your role. These activities are known as Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs), and are simply high-level descriptions of the different activities.
As a VetGDP Adviser you will have access to the platform to support your graduate(s), with the ability to add your comments on either observed cases or activities, or progress review discussions. You will also be able to consider the evidence supporting progress across all activities with your graduate towards the end of the programme, to agree when to submit the portfolio to the RCVS for final peer review.
Related FAQs
We’re hoping VetGDP will provide greater consistency and help to develop a learning culture across the profession. There shouldn't be any stigma in having a VetGDP Adviser; in fact, it shows more professionalism to ask for guidance when you need it than to pretend everything is fine when it isn't. As a veterinary professional, you are in charge of your own progress and development. The VetGDP Adviser training will include how to deliver feedback effectively and how to provide support. The training will also demonstrate what is expected in this programme so your VetGDP Adviser will understand this.
The VetGDP is a completely new programme and very different from the PDP. Following an evaluation of the PDP with graduates and other stakeholders, it was clear that the PDP was not achieving the levels of support needed by new graduates to help them develop their skills and confidence. Meaningful, holistic support was needed, to reflect the everyday work as a vet in all branches of the profession.
The VetGDP also emphasises building graduates’ confidence and resilience, and supporting reflection.
The programme is jointly led by the graduate and their VetGDP Adviser who has agreed to be the primary person providing support to the graduate(s) enrolled in the VetGDP in their workplace. Both the graduate and the VetGDP Adviser have a responsibility to engage with the programme, as indicated in the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct. In addition, the practice/workplace also has a responsibility for allowing the graduate and VetGDP Adviser protected time for support activities as declared in their application to become an RCVS Approved Graduate Development Practice/Workplace
Yes, the VetGDP has been developed in response to extensive feedback from the profession and stakeholders, through an evaluation of the PDP and also through the Graduate Outcomes Consultation with the UK veterinary profession. We sought to understand what would be of greatest benefit to new graduates and in turn, how they can best be supported in practice. The research found that the profession would like to see a range of ways to support graduates in the workplace involving a balance between professional and clinical skills.
The need was for a programme to reflect their everyday work and professional development in practice, with a focus on structured, meaningful support. The research also found that there needed to be flexibility to accommodate different veterinary roles and graduates driving the programme with appropriate support within the workplace; this informed the VetGDP Adviser role.
The e-portfolio will not be assessed for a pass or fail. Following an initial screening within the RCVS Education department it will go to one of our panel of VetGDP Advisers who will peer review all e-portfolios. The peer reviewer will either agree that you have completed your VetGDP or give you feedback on any further additions they feel are needed to your e-portfolio.
Only RCVS Approved Graduate Development Practices can employ a new graduate. As such, your VetGDP Adviser must have completed their training and made their declaration before you begin your role. They may offer you a role before the training is complete, but you cannot join the practice until the training is complete.
If you ask a practice if they are willing to become an RCVS Approved Graduate Development Practice and they say no, there may be reasons why they feel they can’t and we will try to offer support. Our Education team can be contacted by emailing [email protected].
There’s no reason why interns can’t adapt the existing EPAs and/or design their own Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA) around an internship, as it is still clinical practice. Our bank of EPAs will cover the majority of situations; there will be areas that aren’t covered and so we will support VetGDP Advisers and graduates in developing an EPA if required.
Yes, we ask vets who have been out of practice for 5 years or longer to take part in VetGDP. You will be notified when you apply to return to the Register.
Please note there will be an opportunity for vets in certain circumstances to apply for an exemption from VetGDP, which will be determined on a case-by-case basis. This may include having worked in veterinary practice overseas for the period off the Register.
Yes, the portfolio is yours, and all the reflections and progress updates will go with it and will be unique to you. If you change role you can take your VetGDP e-portfolio with you and sign in again with your new VetGDP Adviser. You can amend your EPAs if necessary.
To do this, you need to click the cog in the top right-hand corner of your portfolio and choose re-set. You will not lose any of your records. You will then be able to choose your new Adviser from the drop-down list. Please make sure that you have updated your relationship in your My account to the new practice.
Find more guidance here.
Yes, you can sign up for the VetGDP. Please ensure that you have a VetGDP Adviser in place to support you.