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BVZS Good Practice Guidelines for Wildlife Rehabilitation Centres

13 May 2020 - 703KB PDF
Good Practice Guidelines for Wildlife Rehabilitation Centres

Letter to the Department of Education regarding a potential cap on student numbers in 2021

12 May 2020 - 77KB PDF
A joint letter from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, the British Veterinary Association and the Veterinary Schools Council to Michelle Donelan MP, the Minister of State for Universities at the Department of Education, relaying concerns over the proposed cap on student numbers in 2021.

Guidance on Providing Evidence of CPD in Professional Skills

6 May 2020 - 726KB PDF
Guidance on providing evidence of CPD in Professional Skills for Advanced Practitioners

Application to Add a New Qualification to the Register

5 May 2020 - 54KB DOCX
If your qualification is not listed, you can apply for it to be added by completing this form. If your application is approved the post-nominals will be added to your Register entry.

VN Council Committee Papers May 2020

30 April 2020 - 159KB PDF
Unclassified papers for the RCVS Veterinary Nurses Council meeting on 6 May 2020

2017 University of Nottingham Visitation Report

27 April 2020 - 1107KB PDF
The final report from the 2017 accreditation visit to the University of Nottingham

2017 University of Nottingham Visitation Report

27 April 2020 - 1107KB PDF
The final report from the 2017 accreditation visit to the University of Nottingham

Letter from Defra Secretary of State 25 April 2020

25 April 2020 - 174KB PDF
On #WorldVetDay, the Secretary of State for Defra, the Rt Hon George Eustice MP, has written to thank all veterinary practices who have helped to provide critical veterinary equipment to the NHS in the fight against Covid-19, and all vets and vet nurses for their recent and ongoing work in tackling the specific challenges that the pandemic is posing for the veterinary professions.

Harper Adams University CertAVN Accreditation Report 2019

21 April 2020 - 235KB PDF
Harper Adams University Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Nursing Accreditation Report 2019

University of Glasgow CertAVN Accreditation Report

21 April 2020 - 257KB PDF
University of Glasgow Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Nursing Accreditation Report
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