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Disciplinary Committee hearings

Details of the most recent Disciplinary Committee (DC) hearings are set out below.

Please note: this page is currently being updated (31/01/25) 


Date Respondent Documents Notes
10/03/25 Johnson, Dayna

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Amended Charges

27/02/25 Cole, Gemma Louise

Decision on Proceeding in Absence 

Decision on Proof of the Conviction Charged

Decision on Unfitness to Practice 

Decision on Late Admission of Evidence

Decision on Sanction


Press Release

26/02/25 Bowler, Emma Kathleen 

Decision on Disgraceful Conduct in a Professional Respect 

Decision on Finding of Facts

Decision on Sanction

Press Release

Original hearing heard between 21/10/24-25/10/24. 
06/01/25 Evans, Emma Jane

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee


Press Release



Date Respondent Documents Notes
04/11/24 Miles, Shakira

Decision on Finding of Facts and Fitness to Practise

Decision on Sanction

Press release

28/10/24 Johnston, Donal

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Facts and Disgraceful Conduct in a Professional Respect

Decision on Sanction

Press release

This hearing covered proceedings from the adjourned hearing on 1 November 2022. 
14/10/24 Hauptfleisch, George Philippus

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Press release

07/10/24 Bowles, Brian Cullen

Decision on Proceeding in Absence

Decision on Findings of Facts

Decision on Disgraceful Conduct

Decision on Sanction

Press release

30/09/24 Gurrin, Nicola Jane

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Press release

The redactions applied to the Decision document relate to references to the health of a third party, which the Committee decided should be dealt with in private session.
24/09/24 Parody, Janine Susan

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Press release

The redactions applied to the Decision document relate to references to Dr Parody’s health, which the Committee decided should be dealt with in private session.
27/08/24 Lesolle, Mpho Donald

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Press release

24/07/24 Nicholls, Bronwyn Anne

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Press release

22/07/24 Shillabeer, Edmund Harold

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee 

Press release

11/07/24 Yates, Paige


The hearing has been adjourned and will shortly be re-listed.
17/06/24 Radev, Nikolay Kirilov

Decision on Finding of Facts

Decision on Disgraceful Conduct 

Press release

11/06/24 Rushton, Jamie Francis

Annex 1

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Press release

06/06/24 Fioletti, Alberto Giacomo

Decision on Proceeding in Absence

Decision on Finding of Facts

Decision on Fitness to Practise and Sanction

Press release

08/05/24 Mulvey, Susan Catherine

Decision on Proceeding in Absence and Finding of Facts

Decision on Disgraceful Conduct 

Decision on Sanction

Press release

Although Dr Mulvey initially indicated her intention to appeal to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (JCDC) against the DC's decision, the JCDC has recently confirmed that Dr Mulvey did not pursue this appeal. As such, Dr Mulvey's name has now been removed from the Register.
22/04/24 Petrovic, Nebojsa

Decision on Finding of Facts

Decision on Disgraceful Conduct and Sanction

Press release

15/04/24 Makepeace, Matthew John

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Press release

03/04/24 Murray, Kai

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Decision on Sanction

Press release

26/03/24 Alcock, Karen Marie

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Press release

18/03/24 Mrs D, a Registered Veterinary Nurse

Annex 1

Annex 2

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee 

Press release

The Disciplinary Committee’s findings and decisions have been anonymised due to exceptional circumstances.
12/03/24 Russell, Robert William

Decision on Finding of Facts and Fitness to Practice

Decision on Sanction

Press Release

19/02/24 Francis, Jemma Louise

Decision on Findings of Facts and Disgraceful Conduct

Press Release

12/02/24 Kettle, Michael James

Decision on Sanction

Decision on Finding of Facts and Disgraceful Conduct

Press Release



Date Respondent Documents Notes

Butnaru, Vlad

Decision on Sanction

Decision on Findings of Fact

Press Release


Briggs, Amelia

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Press Release


B, a Registered Veterinary Nurse

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Press release

The Disciplinary Committee's findings and decisions have been anonymised due to exceptional circumstances

Kalisz, Sylwia

Decision on Sanction

Decision on Disgraceful Conduct in a Professional Respect

Decision on Facts

Press Release


Wood, Simon Peter

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on the Application of the Applicant for Restoration to the Register

Press release


Grecko, Alina


Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Sanction

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Disgraceful Conduct in a Professional Respect

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Facts

Press Release


Butnaru, Vlad


The hearing has been adjourned and will shortly be re-listed.

Herdman, Melanie


Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Press Release


Dobson, Andrew

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on the Application of the Applicant for Restoration to the Register

Press Release


Seymour-Hamilton, Warwick John

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on the Application of the Applicant for Registration to the Register

Press release


Antonovs, Pavels

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Disgraceful Conduct 

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Sanction

Press release


Wicksteed, Joanna

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Finding of Facts

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Fitness to Practice and Disgraceful Conduct in a Professional Respect

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Sanction

Press release


Morris, Libby


Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Finding of Facts

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Disgraceful Conduct in a Professional Respect

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Sanction

Press release

20/03/23 Power, Katharine


Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Findings of Fact

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Disgraceful Conduct in a Professional Respect

Press release

This hearing covered proceedings from the adjourned hearings on 28 November 2022 and 20 February 2023.

Burrows, Nicola

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on the Application of the Applicant for Restoration to the Register

Press release


Hutton, Simon

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Facts and Disgraceful Conduct in a Professional Respect

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Sanction

Press release



Date Respondent Documents Notes
01/12/22 Gracey, James

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on abuse of process and admissibility

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Findings of Fact

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Disgraceful Conduct in a Professional Respect

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Sanction

Press release

This hearing covered proceedings from the adjourned hearing on 22 July 2022.
01/11/22 Johnston, Donal

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Facts and Disgraceful Conduct in a Professional Respect

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Sanction

Press release 

This hearing covered proceedings from the adjourned hearing on 28 April 2022.
25/10/22 A, a Registered Veterinary Nurse

Annex A

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Press release

The Disciplinary Committee’s findings and decisions have been anonymised due to exceptional circumstances.
27/09/22 Heyes, Katherine


Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Press release

22/09/22 Prichard, Stephen


Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Press release

21/09/22 Strangeway, Chelsea Jade

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Proceeding in Absence

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Facts and Disgraceful Conduct in a Professional Respect

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Sanction

Press release

02/09/22 Dyson, Sue

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on the Application of the Applicant for Restoration to the Register

Press release

22/08/22 Hazelwood, Stephanie


Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Press release


McKinstry, Alexander

Rutherford, Andrew

Inman, Rebecca

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Facts and Disgraceful Conduct in a Professional Respect

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Sanctions

Press release


Seymour-Hamilton, Warwick John

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on the Application of the Applicant for Restoration to the Register

Press release


Doherty, Daniel

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Facts and Unfitness to Practise

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Respondent's Application for Recusal

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Sanction

Press release

This hearing covered proceedings from the adjourned hearing on 6 April 2022.
25/04/22 Roger, Paul Anderson


Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Disgraceful Conduct in a Professional Respect

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Facts

Press release

This hearing covered proceedings from the adjourned hearing on 19 November 2021.
24/03/22 Registered Nurse

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Proceeding in Absence and Finding of Facts

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Disgraceful Conduct in a Professional Respect and Sanction

Due to exceptional circumstances, the Disciplinary Committee's findings and decisions in this case have been anonymised, and no press release has been issued.
23/03/22 Mostert, Dr Craig

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Press release

Mr Mostert lodged an appeal against the Disciplinary Committee decision with the Privy Council on 28 April 2022 and he remained on the Register pending the outcome of the appeal. The appeal has now been withdrawn.
10/03/22 Surdila, Dr Claudia Elena


Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Press release

07/03/22 Hill, Dr Anke


Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Press release

14/02/22 Dingemanse, Dr Walter


Decision of the Disciplinary Committee

Press release

31/01/22 Mullen, Anne Mary

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Proceeding in Absence

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Facts

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee as to Disgraceful Conduct

Decision of the Disciplinary Committee on Sanction

Press release




About the Disciplinary Committee

The RCVS Disciplinary Committee (DC) hears cases relating to registered veterinary surgeons and the Veterinary Nurse Disciplinary Committee (VN DC) hear cases relating to registered veterinary nurses. Both committees follow court procedures.

Complaints must be proven to the highest civil standard of proof, ie the Committee must be satisfied 'so as to be sure' the facts have occurred as alleged by the College.

The Committee must also be satisfied that the facts as proved amount to serious professional misconduct.

Attending a hearing?

If you are attending a hearing as a witness, or would like an overview of the procedure of a Disciplinary Hearing you can read our section on 'Being a witness at a Disciplinary Committee hearing – frequently asked questions' for further information.

Disciplinary Committee hearings are generally conducted in public although some evidence may be heard in private where the Committee consider it appropriate.

Hearing outcomes

If found guilty of serious professional misconduct and ordered to be suspended or struck off the Register, a veterinary surgeon may appeal to the Privy Council within 28 days. If appealed, the order does not take effect unless and until it is upheld by the Privy Council.

If found guilty of serious professional misconduct and ordered to be suspended or struck off the Register, a registered veterinary nurse may at any time within 28 days from the notice of direction, lodge an appeal which will be considered in accordance with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Veterinary Nurse Conduct and Discipline Rules 2014.

Committee guidance

Guidance on the Disciplinary Committee’s functions, decision-making, and approach to sanctions can be found in the “Disciplinary Committee Sanctions Guidance for Veterinary Surgeons cases” which was re-issued in August 2020 and is used as an aid to decision making at Disciplinary Hearings.

This guidance document (available to download from the bottom of this page) should be read in conjunction with the 'Disciplinary Committee Manual,' re-issued in September 2013.

Updated publication scheme

In line with the UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and individuals’ right to have personal data erased (also known as ‘right to be forgotten’) we have updated our data retention policy concerning the information we continue to publish on our website about recent and historical Disciplinary Committee (DC) hearings.

The length of time that we will continue to publish the outcome of DC hearings is now determined by the outcome, decision and judgment of the Committee, as set out in the updated publication scheme.

As such, some DC hearings listed on this page under our previous three-year publication scheme have now been removed.

If you have any questions about this change, or need details of DC hearings not listed here, please contact out Professional Conduct team: [email protected]

Hearing/outcome type Online publication period
Removal, following DC hearing Three years (unless restored before, see below)
Successful application for restoration For remaining time of three-year period, or three months (whichever is the greater)
Unsuccessful application for restoration For remaining time of three-year period, or three months (if lodged after initial three-year period)
Suspension, following DC hearing 18 months (or same as suspension period if longer)
Warning/reprimand, following DC hearing

12 months
Finding of misconduct, following DC hearing, but no sanction imposed 9 months
Warning, following Charter Case Protocol hearing 6 months
No misconduct found / facts found not proven  3 months
Appeal lodged against DC decision

Original information remains online for indicated period. Explanatory note added.

Appeal lodged against DC decision – various outcomes

Consider on a case-by-case basis depending on outcome of appeal, following guidelines above.

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