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310 items found for W

What are the common issues with broach dates?

... How do we accurately account for wastage of Controlled Drugs, and record ‘deadspace’? As per the RCVS Controlled Drugs Guidance , discrepancies between the amounts recorded as used, the volume of the ...

What are the common issues with broach dates?

... not be used. There is specific information regarding prescribing human-licensed paracetamol on the RCVS website. Additionally, the VMD has provided guidance on the use of medicines commonly found around ...

What are the common issues with temperature monitoring?

... How do we accurately account for wastage of Controlled Drugs, and record ‘deadspace’? As per the RCVS Controlled Drugs Guidance , discrepancies between the amounts recorded as used, the volume of the ...

What are the common issues with temperature monitoring?

... not be used. There is specific information regarding prescribing human-licensed paracetamol on the RCVS website. Additionally, the VMD has provided guidance on the use of medicines commonly found around ...

What are the consequences of failing to make an appropriate disclosure?

... respect’ (commonly referred to as ‘serious professional misconduct’) and may be referred to the RCVS Disciplinary Committee. Such an allegation will be investigated as part of the standard concerns ...

What are the entry requirements?

... qualification, therefore, only available once you have registered as a veterinary nurse with the RCVS. Stipulation on how long you must have been registered will be at the discretion of the programme ...

What are the main issues regarding labelling Cascade medicines?

... How do we accurately account for wastage of Controlled Drugs, and record ‘deadspace’? As per the RCVS Controlled Drugs Guidance , discrepancies between the amounts recorded as used, the volume of the ...

What are the main issues regarding labelling Cascade medicines?

... not be used. There is specific information regarding prescribing human-licensed paracetamol on the RCVS website. Additionally, the VMD has provided guidance on the use of medicines commonly found around ...

What are the minor offences excluded from disclosure?

... notices issued by local authorities for offences such as dog fouling or littering. chevron up RCVS protocol on handling of convictions, cautions and adverse findings declared by veterinary surgeons ...

What are the Professional Development Phase (PDP) Competences?

... of clinical skills and procedures covering small animal, equine, and farm animal practice, which the RCVS developed in consultation with the profession, and against which the graduate records their ...
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