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Registration Committee

Terms of reference

The Registration Committee shall be responsible for activities relating to the registration of veterinary and veterinary nurse members of the College (and, in due course, other Associates members of the College), and will provide and make recommendations to Council and/or VN Council on matters relating to registration as appropriate. (View full terms of reference)


Observers (non-voting): 

Meeting dates

  • 23 April 2024 
  • 13 November 2023 
  • 11 September 2023 
  • 15 May 2023 
  • 6 February 2023 
  • 16 November 2022 
  • 14 September 2022 
  • 11 May 2022 
  • 9 February 2022 

Full terms of reference

1. The Committee shall comprise the President, Vice-Presidents and Treasurer of the College, together with two veterinary members of Council, a veterinary nurse member to be appointed by Veterinary Nurse Council (VNC), and a lay member of Council or VNC. The Committee shall be chaired by one of the Officers of the College, who will chair for a three-year term. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Registrar, and Director of Operations shall attend and participate in the meeting but shall be non-voting members.

2. The Committee shall be responsible for activities relating to the registration of veterinary and veterinary nurse members of the College (and, in due course, other Associate members of the College), and will provide and make recommendations to Council and/or VNC on matters relating to registration as appropriate.

3. Responsibilities will include but are not limited to:

a. Reviewing and monitoring the implementation of the provisions of the Veterinary Surgeons Act (VSA) 1966 related to the registration of veterinary surgeons; (in conjunction with the Education Committee as appropriate);

b. Reviewing and monitoring the implementation of the provisions of the Veterinary Nurse Registration Rules related to the registration of veterinary nurses; (in conjunction with VNC);

c. Reviewing and monitoring the policies and procedures relating to registration and publication of the Register;

d. Advising in relation to the creation of new categories of Associate members of the RCVS;

e. Keeping under review data relating to Find-A-Vet;

f.  Monitoring registration activities (including trends in Registration for both veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses);

g. Monitoring reports from relevant Appeal panels, ie

-       the Examination Appeals Committee;

h. Considering applications for Temporary Registration in accordance with the VSA 1966; and,

i. Reporting to Council on a regular basis summarising the work that comes under its purview (usually via the minutes of its meetings).