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Royal College Day

Guests at RCVS Day

Royal College Day 2024 

Royal College Day took place on Friday, 5 July 2024 at the Royal Institute of British Architects.  If you would like to access the programme from the day providing information about this year's award winners, this can be downloaded from our RCVS publications page

Full versions of the main speeches from the day can also be found at here.

What is Royal College Day?

Royal College Day is our annual celebration of achievement within the veterinary and veterinary nursing professions.

It is held in July each year and falls into 2 parts: our Annual General Meeting and our Awards Ceremony.

Annual General Meeting

The AGM starts at 11am and is open to all registered veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses.

During the AGM we formally declare the names of the candidates newly elected and appointed to RCVS Council and VN Council, and present the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the previous year ended 31 December.

There is also the opportunity for registered veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses to ask questions.

Minutes from the past 5 AGMs are available to download from the 'Related documents' section. 

Awards Ceremony

Our Awards Ceremony starts around 1pm, and is open to all, including our award holders, their friends and family, and anyone with an interest in the achievements and advancements within the veterinary professions. 

The awards we present typically include:

The awards are presented by the outgoing President who also gives an address reflecting on his/her year of tenure. This is followed by the investiture of the new President and Presidential team.

Once all the formal proceedings are over, a Guest Speaker is invited to deliver a keynote address, and then all guests relax over lunch and drinks.

Previous Royal College Days

Below is a list of reports (including photographs) from previous Royal College Days: