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Lynne Hill invested as new RCVS President
8 July 2005
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeon's AGM, held today (8 July 2005), saw the investiture of the new President, Lynne Hill - only the fourth woman to hold this office since the RCVS was established in 1844.
Currently the Head of Clinical Services Division at the Royal Veterinary College in London, Mrs Hill (pictured) qualified from Trinity College, Dublin Veterinary School in 1977 and started her working life in mixed practice in England before settling in County Antrim as a practice partner.
She then worked in veterinary industry for over two years before moving to the RVC in 1998. Her current work encompasses the RVC's equine and small animal hospitals, the farm animal practice and the diagnostic laboratories.
Mrs Hill was elected to RCVS Council in 1999 and has since chaired its Advisory Committee and served on its Education, SFEC, Veterinary Nursing, Finance and General Purposes, External Affairs and Preliminary Investigation Committees. She led the work of the Practice Standards Working Party.
She has also worked within the BVA and BSAVA (as its President in 1994/95) for many years.
Commended by the outgoing President, John Parker, as a truly omnicompetent veterinary practitioner, Mrs Hill commented on the challenges ahead: "I thank the members of the profession and Council for entrusting this role to me. I will put all my energies into the College this year and do my utmost to ensure that I represent the profession in a positive light in everything that I do, whilst remembering that our mission is to foster public confidence and safeguard animal welfare.
"The main challenges for the next 12 months include taking forward the Veterinary Surgeons Act consultation in preparation of DEFRA looking for a new act; implementing the Competition Commission report and the new medicines legislation; continuing the development of the VN Council and the regulation of veterinary nurses; and the launch of the Practice Standards Scheme to the public.
"Above all this, a key objective will be to improve communication with the profession so that the relationship between the RCVS and its members is better understood, and the College's relevance better appreciated."
At the same meeting, Professor Richard Halliwell stood down from the role of Senior Vice-President. Professor Halliwell, who has served on RCVS Council for the past 16 years as the University of Edinburgh's representative, also retired from Council and will be replaced by John Parker as Senior Vice-President and by Mrs Caroline Freedman (a lay member), as one of Edinburgh University's two representatives on Council.
Professor Sheila Crispin was approved as Junior Vice-President at Council's March meeting and officially took up her role at the AGM. Bob Moore was reappointed as Treasurer for a further 12-month term.
Other new members to take their seats on RCVS Council from 8 July were Mr Peter Jinman and Mr Bradley Viner were who elected for the first time earlier this year, and Professor Stuart Reid - an appointed member from the University of Glasgow who replaced Professor Andrea Nolan.
Veterinary nurses Ms Sophie Pullen and Mrs Andrea Jeffery took up her their places on the RCVS Veterinary Nurses Council, Mrs Jeffery replacing Mr Roger Eddy as VN Council Chairman. In addition, three non-RCVS Council veterinary surgeons: Mr Richard Hooker, Mr Alan Hughes and Mrs Donna Hunter also began their terms of office on VN Council.