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Accrediting veterinary degrees

The RCVS has a wide ranging interest in veterinary education and training. It has a statutory duty to set and monitor the standards of veterinary degrees for registration purposes, and runs the statutory examination for membership for overseas veterinarians wishing to practise in the UK.

Setting and monitoring the standards for veterinary education is a key responsibility of the RCVS. The RCVS defines the competences that need to be met by the new veterinary graduate, and specifies the requirements for veterinary degree courses to be approved for registration purposes. The RCVS undertakes formal visitations to universities to ensure that veterinary degree standards are being maintained, and for UK universities, reports its recommendations to the Privy Council.

Accreditation Status of UK Veterinary Schools

School Year of last visitation Accreditation Status Length of Accreditation Year of next visitation
University of Bristol 2024 Pending    
University of Cambridge 2024 Pending    
University of Edinburgh 2022 Full accreditation 3 years 2025
University of Glasgow 2021 Full accreditation 7 years 2028
University of Liverpool 2023 Full accreditation 3 years 2026
University of Nottingham 2021 Full accreditation 7 years 2028
Royal Veterinary College 2018 Full accreditation 7 years 2025
University of Surrey 2023 Full Accreditation 5 years 2028

For more information, please click on the relevant link below:

In 2014, the RCVS published the Fitness to Practise guide for UK veterinary schools and veterinary students.

It provides guidance for veterinary schools on recognising and addressing fitness to practise concerns, and also sets out the broad principles of fitness to practise that students should follow and which veterinary schools should expect and uphold.