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Officer Team

The Officer Team oversees the management of all College business and oversees matters of governance and the management of resources. The Officer Team reports to RCVS Council.


President and Senior Vice-President 

The recommendation for the appointment of Officers (President and Senior Vice-President) is put to Council at the March meeting, where they are agreed.

On an occasion when the President's term on Council terminates prior to their becoming Senior Vice-President, the Senior Vice-President remains on the Presidential Team for a further year.

Junior Vice-President

Any Council member is eligible to stand for election as Junior Vice-President.

A vote on candidates is taken by Council at the March meeting and the successful candidate must receive more than 50% of the votes cast.

Becoming Junior Vice-President is the start of a 3-year cycle: Junior Vice-President - President - Senior Vice-President, subject to the need for re-election to Council.


Any Council member is eligible is eligible to stand for election as Treasurer.

A vote on candidates is taken by Council at the March meeting and the successful candidate must receive more than 50% of the votes cast.

The Treasurer may be elected/re-elected annually. 

Terms of reference

The Officer Team shall:

  • present a strategic plan to Council for approval each year;
  • present an annual business plan and budget to Council for approval and recommend proposed fee changes;
  • ensure that the strategic and annual plans and budget are implemented, within limits of variation approved by Council;
  • lay down procedures for budgeting and financial control;
  • approve expenditure from the contingency fund;
  • seek the approval of Council for expenditure from the College’s reserves;
  • manage the assets and investments of the College;
  • manage organisational risks, maintain a risk register and oversee internal audit reviews;
  • oversee the appointment of professional advisers to the College;
  • approve rates of travelling and subsistence expenses and recompense for loss of earnings;
  • authorise the sealing of documents;
  • advise Council on corporate governance matters, including the terms of reference and composition of committees;
  • co-ordinate the work of committees;
  • approve the setting up sub-committees, working parties and other such bodies and determine their members;
  • keep under review arrangements for Council elections;
  • recommend to Council the names of persons for election as Honorary Associates and Honorary Fellowships of the College and for the award of prizes, in accordance with the Honours, Awards and Membership Bye-Laws; and
  • determine external representation and conduct external relations.

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